I know because I got into the best shape of my life AFTER having my three kids.
I was someone who knew about fitness – hell, I was even a certified trainer before becoming a mom! But I didn’t understand how to put the pieces together and lacked the long-term vision to make any results I got last.
When I became a mom, I suddenly had way less time to screw around 😂 So I had to start training smarter so I could make the most of the little time I had.
That was 12 years ago (omg my oldest baby is almost 12!), and since then I’ve done bodybuilding shows, fitness photoshoots, and trained 100+ moms in the gym and through a screen. I’ve taken alllll my book knowledge and hands-on experience and put it into the Sculpted Strong Mom, a 6-month fitness program designed to help moms go from covering up at the pool to walking into the gym in just a sports bra.
I haven’t just been in your shoes, I’m wearing the same pair! I understand that your heart is your family, and even though you want more than anything to feel good in your skin again, you also can’t sacrifice time with them to make that happen.
I would never ask you to, mama. So let me show you a more EFFICIENT way ;)